About Us

Our Mission: 

At Four, our mission it to create beauty products for everyone that are Comfortable, Affordable, Reliable, and Beautiful. 

Our Vision:

As a small business located in Amarillo, TX, our goal is provide quality and affordable beauty products for every woman regardless of age or skin type. 

We don't promise perfect skin, but we aim to make you feel more comfortable in yours just as you are. 

We promise to be authentic and honest and to only bring you products that we have personally tested and tried. 



  • Integrity

    We will foster an environment that demonstrates and practices honesty and upstanding character reflected through our actions, beliefs, and methods.

  • Quality

    Quality for us means we have tried the product and will only present what we can personally recommend.  Just because it’s affordable doesn’t mean it has to be low quality.  We aim for high-quality ingredients in every product we offer. 

  • Authenticity

    We won’t try to be anything other than who we are.  We will be transparent in our communication and presentation.  We are here to serve with honor and truth.

  • Love for Others

    I John 4:19 says, “We love because he first loved us.”  We strive to love every person with no regard to age, gender, or ethnicity.  Everyone who crosses our path will be loved and treated with the utmost respect. 

  • Growth

    We will strive to grow as individuals and as a company by pursuing knowledge that will influence product development and customer satisfaction.